Five-Day Faculty Development Programme on: *Revolutionizing Digital Content Curation and Access* || Call for Papers: Journal of Inventive and Scientific Research Studies (JISRS) || Nov-24 ESE Results || Open Elective Course Materials || Alumni Registration Form



  • 1. Admission will be carried out through online application portal
  • 2. Admission process will start as per the guidelines of Government of Tamil Nadu.
  • 3. All the candidates seeking admission to the Undergraduate (UG)/ Postgraduate (PG) are required to register online or can visit to the College and receive the printed application.
  • 4. Admission is made purely on the basis of merit, subject to the rules of reservation of the Government of Tamil Nadu and MSU University.
  • 5. As per the present policy, a candidate seeking admission in Undergraduate (UG) programmes must have passed 12th examination of 10+2 pattern from a recognised board and seeking admission in Postgraduate (PG) programmes must have passed UG programme from a recognised Institution/University.
  • 6. The applicants will be eligible to take admission in all the programmes provided they satisfy the cut-off and the eligibility for the selected programme.
  • 7. If applicants have examination results pending or have reappeared in papers, they will be able to update these marks by logging into their Dashboards. The college may be contacted for further details of admissions.
  • 8. Applicants will be responsible for the quality and authenticity of all the information they enter, including upload of copies of certificates.
  • 9. Admissions will be considered to be complete only when the full fee for the academic year is paid (against an official receipt) and the name of the applicant appears on the relevant rolls.
  • 10. Students who have got applications are requested to fill their marks and submit the applications through online mode after thoroughly checking the necessary details are filled.
  • 11. If any applicant is unable to submit the application in online they can submit the hard copy of the filled in application in the drop box available in the college
  • 12. For Further details (91 04632 - 225389.)

